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Passwords 16

Sep 11, 2020 Password-guessing tools submit hundreds or thousands of words per minute. If a password is anything close to a dictionary word, it's incredibly insecure. When a password does not resemble any regular word patterns, it takes longer for the repetition tool to guess it. Jun 10, 2020 So many sites these days have you create a “complex” password which usually ends up being an 8-character password with a mix of letters, symbols, and numbers like J5bZ9p! Sites call passwords like these “strong” when in reality many of them could be hacked in under a day by a determined hacker.

  • Welcome to your Password Manager. Manage your saved passwords in Android or Chrome. They’re securely stored in your Google Account and available across all your devices.
  • Use a password that has at least 16 characters, use at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one special symbol. Do not use the names of your families, friends or pets in your passwords.

When it comes to user authentication, the password is, and has been, the most used mechanism; passwords are used to access computers, mobile devices, networks or operating systems. In essence, they are part of our everyday lives. Through time, requirements have evolved and, nowadays, most systems’ password must consist of a lengthy set of characters often including numbers, special characters and a combination of upper and lower cases. The strength of a password is seen as a function of how complex and/or long it is; but, what matters most, size or complexity?

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Any systems, regardless of which method is used for identification and/or authentication is susceptible to hacking. Password-protected systems or collection of data (think bank accounts, social networks, and e-mail systems) are probed daily and are subject to frequent attacks carried forward not only through phishing and social engineering methods, but also by means of passwords cracking tools. The debate is always open, and the length vs. complexity issue divides experts and users. Both have pros and cons as well as their own supporters.

Let’s face it, most users tend to create terrible passwords and seldom change them. Today, every system, device, account we need daily has its own password-creation rules, and it is becoming difficult (maybe impossible) to keep track of all access keys. Writing down passwords, re-using the same one for all systems, using easy-to-remember words or phrases or creating shorter access keys are problems that are a direct consequence of the overload of passwords we are all ask to use on a regular basis. With too many keywords to remember, people often choose weaker passwords that are less secure, online and offline.

Weak and insecure passwords are a security concern and a gateway to breaches that can affect more than just the targeted users. Photo editing software for windows 10 free download. It is important to create keys that strike the right balance between being easy to remember and hard for others (intruders or impostors) to guess, crack or hack.

Of the security incidents reported to the CERT Division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) related to poorly chosen passwords, a great percentage is caused by human error. The phrase ‘security is only as strong as the weakest link’ highlights the importance of the role of users within the security chain and the need to train and help them choose passkeys that protect assets and data efficiently. The evolution in password cracking continues and having weak passwords can only make the hackers’ job even simpler.

According to the 2015 annual public sector information security survey, a report by i-Sprint Innovations and eGov Innovation, “Weak authentication security is the leading cause of data breaches, accounting for 76% of compromised records.” In addition, the Enterprise Innovation study notes that ‘simple password-based authentication’ is not an adequate means of protecting all this precious data. The problem is that a good number of organizations rely solely on a password-based authentication and have not opted for more secure authentication systems (e.g., PKI-based, OTP-based, or context-based authentication, or else biometric-enabled identifiers).

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Considerations on password length and complexity are key in the quest for the ideal password. Complexity is often seen as an important aspect of a secure password. A random combination of alphanumerical characters and symbols intuitively seems as the best defense against cracking. Dictionary attacks carried out thanks to tools that look for most likely word combinations won’t be able to “guess” such passwords in a timely way. Are they really effective against all attacks though? Probably not. Complex passwords, often tend to be shorter than passphrases, for example, and a brute-force attack with tools that quickly try all possible combinations of keys until they get it right might easily break them as the shorter the password, the smallest the number of possible combinations. This type of attack was at the center of the infamous iCloud breach that exposed hundreds of celebrities’ personal pictures.

Brute-force attacks, thanks to the higher computing power of new machines as well as predictability of certain users-chosen character combinations are becoming particularly effective. Due to the complexity of remembering sequences of random numbers, in fact, users often choose predictable sequences made of consecutive numbers and repetitions (123, 4545 for example) or adjacent keyboard keys (qwerty, zxc, etc…). Users could also engage in a number of other risky behaviors, like writing passwords down or reducing the number of characters used. When a user is able to memorize such passwords, they also tend to use them consistently across all systems.

So is a long password the way to go? Possibly. Lengthy passwords are often associated with an increase in password entropy, which basically is the measure of how much uncertainty there is in a key. An increase in entropy is seen as directly proportional to password strength. Therefore, a lengthy list of easy-to-remember words or a passphrase could be actually more secure than a shorter list of random characters.

Open Form 16 Password

Lengthy passwords made of actual words are definitely easier to remember and could help users manage them in more secure way. Problems could arise, however, if users choose words that are too related to each other or too personal; this would open the door for dictionary-based passwords tools to guess the correct sequence even in presence of a larger amount of possible combinations. Using something memorable or familiar (family, pet or street name) even in a password of adequate length and complexity is not practical as it makes it quite vulnerable for discovery by penetrators.

An interesting Microsoft TechNet blog article shows how, by looking at the formula to calculate bits of entropy (the measure in bits of how difficult it is to hack a password), the role of length is emphasized. The formula is log(C) / log(2) * L where C is the size of the character set and L the length of the password; from a mathematical standpoint, it is clear how L, the length, has a predominant role in the calculation of the entropy bits. C normally includes symbols, lower and upper case characters and number for a total of 96 possible characters or less, if some are excluded: “When looking at passwords in this light, it really starts to become clear how much more important the password length is, as opposed to the defined complexity requirements. To further this point, if you’re using passwords with a character set of 10 (only numbers), in order to achieve the same amount of entropy as a character set of 94 (all possible ASCII characters), you only have the double the password’s length. To say it another way, a password that is 16 characters long made up of only numbers provides the same level of difficultly-to-crack as an 8-character password made up of the possible 94 possible characters.”

It seems though as a combination of approaches might work better: lengthy and fairly complex passwords.

  • Lengthy – Short length passwords are relatively easy to break, so the idea is to create lengthier ones for added security and to make them less predictable. So what is the desired or required length? A 2010 Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) study told how a 12-character random password could satisfy a minimum length requirement to defeat code breaking and cracking software, said Joshua Davis, a research scientist at GTRI. Richard Boyd, a senior researcher at GTRI says, “Eight-character passwords are insufficient now… and if you restrict your characters to only alphabetic letters, it can be cracked in minutes.” In any case, to be on the safe side, a password length of 12 characters or more should be adopted.
  • Strong and complex – Strong passwords are still key. Security experts agree that upper and lowercase alphanumerical characters are good practices for increasing passwords strength and making it capable of resisting guessing and brute-force attacks. In order to add complexity without compromising ease-of-use, users could modify passphrases by inserting spaces, punctuation and misspellings.

Although, eventually, any passwords can be compromised, a combination of the two approaches can be used to increase the amount of time needed to crack them using any attack method.

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Of course, users need to be also aware that password strength is not all. Risky behaviors like using auto save features in browsers or saving passwords in plaintext in desktop files, for example, will compromise even the strongest password. Falling pray of social engineering tactics would also defeat the purpose of using any strong, impossible-to-crack passwords.

Protection should also granted through measures implemented by system administrators who can use tools to limit the number of password-cracking attempts that can be made before the system denies any access to the data. Requiring another proof of identity to gain access to a resource, something the user has or is, for example, is also an extra protection in addition to the use of passwords. In addition, in a company, regular password auditing will help strengthen the security posture making sure that the complexity and strength of all access passkeys are adequate and that users are prompted to change theirs if found to be too weak.

Password-based authentication has existed for some time as the simplest form of security requiring users to verify their identity; therefore, they are not going away any time soon and will likely continue to play an important role in the future of network security even in view of other, secure alternatives in authentication methods. In other words, passwords won’t die despite their weaknesses; therefore, people need to know how to make passwords be ‘less’ predictable. Until the “human weakness is minimized or eliminated,” perhaps “removing human interaction with passwords and automating their selection and change is a major step forward on several levels,” points out Richard Walters GM/VP, Identity and Access Management, Intermedia, in a Infosecurity Magazine post

Users are asked to apply complexity as well as length rules as well as basic security practices in order to minimize the odds of seeing their passwords compromised. Weak password authentication offers no security and is prone to several types of attacks, as mentioned, so ways for strengthening passkeys continue to be researched. Commonly, an extra layer of security is often added. Coupling two-factor authentication, for example, provides a better sense of security to users, as it offers some type of physical or secondary verification.

A multi-factor authentication strategy may be the better way to identify and verify users; nevertheless, if the password is weak, the entire authentication system is weakened. Therefore, the importance of creating passwords that can resist attack is still paramount.

Users’ awareness is important in conveying the importance of using passwords that can really protect data assets. Of course, even the strongest password cannot withstand attacks like those perpetrated against credentials database, when hackers simply collect scores of passwords and authentication information to be decoded and used at their leisure; but that’s a different issue.

Cobb, M. (2012, June). Password security best practices: Change passwords to passphrases. Retrieved from

Microsoft Corporation. (2015, May 19). Password Complexity versus Password Entropy. [Blog post – TechNet Blogs [MSFT]Cam]. Retrieved from

Robarts, S. (2014, April 17). Three alternatives to using passwords. Retrieved from

Ross, J. (2014, January 28). How to Change Employees’ Poor Password Habits. Retrieved from

Tuggle, K. (2015, May 18). Why Your ‘Secure’ Password Will Fail You (And What to Do About It). Retrieved from

Best Passwords Examples

Walters, R. (2015, April 7). Insecure Passwords or Insecure People? Retrieved from

Warman, M. (2013, January 15). 90% of passwords ‘vulnerable to hacking’. Retrieved from

Think your password is secure enough?

You may want to think again. In 2014, nearly half of Americans had their personal info exposed by hackers – and that doesn’t even count the many companies that experienced breaches.

And with more and more businesses storing their information in the cloud and using SaaS solutions like business intelligence and hr software platforms, keeping your information safe becomes even more important.

Selecting an obscure and complex password and changing it frequently can spell the difference between keeping your data secure and having your personal information stolen. We’ve gathered insights and advice to empower you to tighten up your online security – and keep hackers out of your personal business.

To get started, we set out to discover just how quickly a seasoned cracker could “brute-force” various types of passwords (systematically check combinations until finding the correct one) based on factors such as length and character types. We also created an interactive feature that lets you estimate how long it would take someone to crack a password now compared with how long it took in the past. If you come up with an idea for a potential password, our tester can tell you just how secure it is. Just how many days, weeks, or years worth of security an extra letter or symbol make? How does password strength change over time? The answers just might surprise you.

How strong is a typical password now – and how strong was it in the 1980s? Enter a word (not your current password) and drag the slider to select a year to find out how long it would take for someone to crack the term if it were your password. It could take anywhere from infinite time to a millennium to mere fractions of a millisecond.

You can turn the “word list” function on or off as you test passwords. This tool works by cycling through a word list containing common words and passwords and then evaluating other factors such as character types. If you enter a password not on the word list, the cracking time will not be affected. But if your password is on the word list, it greatly affects cracking time.
Note: The interactive tool is for educational purposes only. Although it does not collect or store your passwords, you should avoid using your current password.

How long should your password be?

When it comes to passwords, one thing is certain: Size matters. Adding a single character to a password boosts its security exponentially. In a so-called “dictionary attack,” a password cracker will utilize a word list of common passwords to discern the right one. The list above shows the difference that adding characters can make when it comes to security.

For instance, if you have an extremely simple and common password that’s seven characters long (“abcdefg”), a pro could crack it in a fraction of a millisecond. Add just one more character (“abcdefgh”) and that time increases to five hours. Nine-character passwords take five days to break, 10-character words take four months, and 11-character passwords take 10 years. Make it up to 12 characters, and you’re looking at 200 years’ worth of security – not bad for one little letter.

alpha and numberic characters

Combining numbers and letters rather than sticking with one type of character dramatically enhances password security. A string of nine letters or numbers takes milliseconds to crack. Add a single letter, and your password may become cryptic enough to thwart password crackers for nearly four decades.

Form 16 Password

However, it’s not as simple as swapping your “e” for a “3” or adding a number at the end of a string of letters. Password attacking methods actually take advantage of those common habits. Your best bet is to simply make your password less predictable and more complicated.

asci, lowercase, and numeric characters

Combining several types of characters is an extremely effective way to make your password more cryptic. A simple, common word can be cracked in fractions of a millisecond. Inject a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols (think @, %, and #), and your password can be secure for more than a decade.

password strength over time

Not every security issue comes down to password character types and length – time is also a major factor. Over the years, passwords weaken dramatically as technologies evolve and hackers become increasingly proficient. For example, a password that would take over three years to crack in 2000 takes just over a year to crack by 2004. Five years later, in 2009, the cracking time drops to four months. By 2016, the same password could be decoded in just over two months. This demonstrates the importance of changing passwords frequently.

what if you get hacked?

One morning, you open your email, and everything has gone haywire: Friends are chatting you to say they’ve received spam from your address. Your login history looks odd. You have a pile of bounce-back messages in your inbox and a bunch of strange messages in your sent box. You’ve been hacked – so what should you do?

First, recover your email account, and change your password (use our guidelines to formulate a strong one). Complete all the steps, such as changing security questions and setting up phone notifications. Because email is filled with personal information, you should also notify your bank, PayPal, online stores, and any other accounts to discern whether a breach has occurred. Be sure to change other passwords as well. Finally, notify your contacts in case emails sent from your account have compromised their information too. While not getting hacked at all is the best-case scenario, promptly taking these steps can make the best of a bad situation.

Protect yourself

As time goes on, it only becomes more likely that your password will be hacked – putting your most personal information at risk. By taking a few steps to enhance your password, you can exponentially minimize the risk of a breach. When it comes to passwords, size trumps all else – so choose one that’s at least 16 characters. And be sure to choose a mix of character types (numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols) to further enhance its security.

What else can you do? Steer clear of words found in the dictionary, pronouns, usernames, and other predefined terms, as well as commonly used passwords – the top two in 2015 were “123456” and “password” (yes, you read that right). Also, never use the same password in different places (that forgotten account at a site you never use could lead to a bank account breach). Consider using a password generator in order to get a complex password with no discernible pattern to help thwart password crackers. Finally, if memorizing long strings of characters proves too taxing, consider adopting a password manager that stores all your passwords. No password is perfect, but taking these steps can go a long way toward security and peace of mind.


Using processor data collected from Intel and John the Ripper benchmarks, we calculated keys per second (number of password keys attempted per second in a brute-force attack) of typical personal computers from 1982 to today.

The results from our interactive feature may differ from those of other online password-testing tools due to factors such as different equations, processors, and word lists.

Our data are based on the following equations:

Number of possible character combinations:

(Password Type)^(Password Length)

Password Type is the number of possible characters.

Effective Cores:

1/((1-Efficiency Constant)+(Efficiency Constant/Processor Cores)) The Efficiency Constant we used is 0.99, and we assume that 99% of the processor’s operations can be dedicated to the password crack.

Processor GFLOPS:

Processor Frequency * Effective Cores Mac os sierra high.

Keys Per Second:

Passwords 16 Letters

Passwords 16

GFLOPS/Encryption Constant (gathered and calculated from John the Ripper benchmarks).

Time in seconds:

Seconds = Combinations/KeysPerSecond


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Feel free to share the images and interactive found on this page freely. When doing so, please attribute the authors by providing a link back to this page and Better Buys, so your readers can learn more about this project and the related research.

Passwords 16
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